Hull Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Hull Genealogy & History
Hull is an English name with many possible origins. It could be derived from the personal name "Hulle," a nickname for "Hugh." Alternately, it could be derived from the Old English "hyll", meaning "hill," and so be a topographical name for someone who lived on or near a hill. Finally, it could be a locational name, given to someone who lived in a town named "Hull" or something similar. Hull family history begins in Yorkshire, with its first recorded instance being Peter de Hull in 1199. Hull genealogy includes Nobel peace laureate Cordell Hull, Secretary of State under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Hull Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Eileen Hull | -- --, 1909 | April ,1985 | IA |
Bree Hull | -- --, 1973 | March 6,1996 | LA |
C Rufus Hull | -- --, 1902 | May ,1975 | TX |
D James Hull | -- --, 1923 | September 11,2001 | AZ |
Hull Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Betsey Hull | -- --, 1915 | January 22,1992 | Bethlehem,CT |
Fabun Hull | -- --, 1911 | May ,1987 | Glenn,MI |
G Clayton Hull | -- --, 1912 | April ,1982 | Great Falls,MT |
H Harmon Hull | -- --, 1934 | April 9,1991 | North Adams,MA |
Hull Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Claud Hull | Mary Hutchins | January 17,1959 | Wake, NC |
Josiah Hull | Miriam Nowell | June 10,1935 | Wake, NC |
Robert Hull | Virginia Sprague | March 17,1965 | Wake, NC |
Keith Hull | Julie Schneider | December 26,2003 | Bexar, TX |
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