Hurst Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Hurst Genealogy & History

Hurst is an English name with two possible origins. It could be a topographical name, derived from the Old English "hyrst" and given to someone who lived on or near a wooded hill. Alternately, it could be a locational name given to someone who lived in a settlement named "Hurst" or something similar. Hurst family history begins in Yorkshire, and the first recorded instance of the name is in 1086 with Thomas de Herst (an alternate spelling). Hurst genealogy includes Red Sox pitcher Bruce Hurst. The Hurst family motto is "pro Deo et rege", which means "for God and the king".

Hurst Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Gordon Hurst-- --, 1926January 20,2007TX
Babe Hurst-- --, 1913December 5,1998OK
Calanthe Hurst-- --, 1888February ,1972CA
D June Hurst-- --, 1926October 15,2008IN

Hurst Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Earl Hurst-- --, 1919November 10,2008Lawton,OK
Fahy Hurst-- --, 1899October ,1968Wichita,KS
Gabriele Hurst-- --, 1945September 3,2008Coronado,CA
H Deverl Hurst-- --, 1917January 11,1997Salt Lake City,UT

Hurst Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Douglas HurstMadge FrittsMarch 11,1946Wake, NC
Frederick HurstDiane FalterJune 7,1972Wake, NC
Phillip HurstBetty WootenJune 4,1943Wake, NC
Roger HurstSarah BradfordAugust 16,1958Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Hurst

627th: Browning628th: McIntyre
629th: English630th: Stout
631st: Conrad632nd: Boyle
633rd: Sloan634th: Leach
635th: Pitts636th: McMahon

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