Hyman Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Hyman Genealogy & History

Hyman is one of the oldest surnames and descends from the Hebrew word khayim, meaning life. The family coat of arms is a checkered gold and black shield with a black band across the top with a gold lion. Hyman family history mentions Osward de Hecham as the first known spelling of the name in 1176 in the Essex Pipe Rolls, England. Some members of the Hyman genealogy are Olympic gold medalist swimmer Misty Hyman and children's books illustrator Trina Schart Hyman.

Hyman Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Hyman-- --, 1913December 5,1994NY
B Basil Hyman-- --, 1928May 11,2008NY
C Herbert Hyman-- --, 1914April 19,2006NJ
Daisy Hyman-- --, 1903June ,1983NY

Hyman Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Donald Hyman-- --, 1914August ,1980Scarborough,ME
Fani Hyman-- --, 1884October ,1972Detroit,MI
Gabriel Hyman-- --, 1917March 30,1992Brooklyn,NY
H Lynwood Hyman-- --, 1924April 15,2000Williamston,NC

Hyman Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
David HymanAmy HallJuly 24,1971Wake, NC
Gary HymanSusan AndersonDecember 29,1979Wake, NC
Theodore HymanPatricia NottinghamNovember 22,1957Wake, NC
Hayes HymanKaren KindsvaterNovember 2,1985Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Hyman

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2380th: Lantz2381st: Arias

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