Iverson Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Iverson Genealogy & History

Iverson is from the Old Norse personal name Ivarr. The history is uncertain but it is thought to stem from iw, meaning bow or yew (a bow made from yew wood), and herr, indicating an army. With the addition of son, it becomes the son of a bowman of the army. Some of the different spellings are MacIvor, Ivers, and Ivison. Iverson family history gives Robert Yuor as the first recorded spelling of the family name in the Subsidy Rolls of Sussex in 1296. Members of Iverson genealogy include circus entertainer Jonathan Lee Iverson; basketball player Allen Iverson; and APL programming language developer Kenneth Eugene Iverson.

Iverson Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Howard Iverson-- --, 1916March 14,2007MN
Baldus Iverson-- --, 1917November 28,1999IL
C Vernon Iverson-- --, 1914April 2,2000IL
Dagmar Iverson-- --, 1887November ,1975IL

Iverson Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Harley Iverson-- --, 1925December 26,1997Helena,MT
F Marlene Iverson-- --, 1932February 10,2005Grand Junction,CO
Gale Iverson-- --, 1900November 29,1996Ulen,MN
H Newell Iverson-- --, 1912February 24,2007Salt Lake City,UT

Iverson Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Eric IversonJanis OlsonJuly 12,1967Wake, NC
William IversonNancy TuckerOctober 25,2003Parker, TX
Quincy IversonRayna DixonOctober 27,1990SUMMIT, OH
Kevin IversonFrances MowryOctober 29,1982Taylor, TX

Most Common Surnames After Iverson

1670th: Oakley1671st: Tolbert
1672nd: Parr1673rd: Mejia
1674th: Henning1675th: Crain
1676th: Kenny1677th: Lara
1678th: Shaver1679th: Atwood

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