James Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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James Genealogy & History

James is an English name. It was likely taken from the personal name "James," which in turn was derived from the Hebrew name "Yaakov", which comes from "heel" or "he who supplants". In the Bible, Jacob grabbed the heel of his older brother Esau as they were born, and he ended up supplanting his brother. James family history is first recorded in 1187 in Gloucestershire, with a man named Walter James. A James family was also granted land in Surrey by William the Conqueror. James genealogy includes many famous figures, including the legendary Wild West outlaw Jesse James and the philosopher and psychologist William James.

James Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Eileen James-- --, 1921October ,1988IL
B Clarence James-- --, 1913January 20,1999PA
Chris James-- --, 1957May 10,1997NC
D Carolyn James-- --, 1917September 21,2005NY

James Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Eldridge James-- --, 1962January 14,1993Altadena,CA
F Bernie James-- --, 1915January 25,2008Charleston,SC
G Oliver James-- --, 1913September 14,2000Centreville,MD
H B James-- --, 1931June 23,1997Bronx,NY

James Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Charles JamesWhylma OwensNovember 24,1938Wake, NC
Earl JamesAlva LaurenceApril 2,1934Wake, NC
Fate JamesMary HarringtonJune 23,1934Wake, NC
Herman JamesPearl RobertsonJune 14,1935Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After James

86th: Barnes87th: Graham
88th: Henderson89th: Hamilton
90th: Patterson91st: West
92nd: Cole93rd: Jenkins
94th: Murray95th: Wallace

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