Johns Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Johns Genealogy & History
Johns is an English and Welsh name, though it is far more popular in Wales than in England these days. It was originally derived from the personal name John, which in turn was derived from the Hebrew personal name "Yochanan", meaning "God has graced me with a son". Where Johns family history begins depends on which spelling variations one counts as still being in the same name family; one Pertus Johannis lived in Suffolk in 1230, and an Alanus filius Jene was in Lincolnshire in 1275. Johns genealogy includes Vernon Johns, who is considered to be the father of the American Civil Rights movement.
Johns Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Ray Johns | -- --, 1923 | June 18,2002 | ID |
B Virginia Johns | -- --, 1918 | November 21,1997 | PA |
C J Johns | -- --, 1952 | August 4,2009 | CA |
D Frank Johns | -- --, 1918 | February ,1993 | NC |
Johns Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Watts Johns | -- --, 1914 | November ,1983 | Elizabethton,TN |
F George Johns | -- --, 1927 | June 7,1996 | Montgomery,PA |
Gabriel Johns | -- --, 1909 | June ,1979 | Ypsilanti,MI |
H Donald Johns | -- --, 1922 | May ,1982 | Bonsall,CA |
Johns Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Alfred Johns | Sarah Gibson | August 21,1956 | Wake, NC |
Carol Johns | Emma Horton | August 17,1962 | Wake, NC |
Dallas Johns | Margaret Jones | May 28,1936 | Wake, NC |
Eugene Johns | Barbara Smith | February 22,1958 | Wake, NC |
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