Joseph Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Joseph Genealogy & History

Joseph is an English and French name. It was originally derived from the given name Joseph, taken from the Bible�the Hebrew form is "Yoseph", which is generally believed to mean "may He add another son" or the like. Joseph family history is first recorded in one Henry Joseph, who lived in Hampshire in 1191. Joseph genealogy includes actress Jackie Joseph; composer, flutist, and teacher Jens Joseph; Maryland's eleventh proprietary governor, William Joseph; English poet Jenny Joseph; and British barrister, politician, and Cabinet member Keith St John Joseph, who was instrumental in crafting "Thatcherism," the political ideology of influential Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

Joseph Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Joseph-- --, 1923April 19,1991NY
Backus Joseph-- --, 1923April 7,2008MI
C Donald Joseph-- --, 1928January 13,2000DE
D Violet Joseph-- --, 1926November 28,1998ME

Joseph Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Lenora Joseph-- --, 1918March 18,1999Falmouth,MA
Fahema Joseph-- --, 1897November ,1978Zanesville,OH
Gabe Joseph-- --, 1907January 2,1997Highland Park,IL
H Nolan Joseph-- --, 1929May 11,1996Hinton,VA

Joseph Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bashir JosephRayssa MasquidaFebruary 3,2004Wake, NC
Eddie JosephRuby JonesAugust 14,1951Wake, NC
George JosephMarietta WhiteNovember 4,1972Wake, NC
Junius JosephMartha LeachJuly 3,1936Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Joseph

492nd: Summers493rd: Castillo
494th: Huff495th: Skinner
496th: Phelps497th: Cameron
498th: Bruce499th: Randall
500th: Hood501st: Levine

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