Joyner Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Joyner Genealogy & History

Old English names like Joyner typically arise from Norman or Saxon invasions. In the case of the Joyner genealogy, the surname stems from the Norman Conquest of 1066. Since military achievement brought about the ruling class of the Normans, it is not surprising that the name Joyner translates from the Old English to mean engineer of military machines. The meaning of the name Joyner eventually extended into describing architects and masons. The Joyner family history boasts several notable American figures, including gold medalist sprinter Florence Joyner, radio talk-show host Tom Joyner, and Mayor William Joyner of Flint, Michigan.

Joyner Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Nicholas Joyner-- --, 1916January ,1982TX
Baby Joyner-- --, 1928December ,1983NY
Caddie Joyner-- --, 1894March ,1980DC
Dahlia Joyner-- --, 1902October 27,1998VA

Joyner Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Earl Joyner-- --, 1921January 13,2009Whitakers,NC
F Carl Joyner-- --, 1917August 30,1994Kingsport,TN
Gail Joyner-- --, 1951February 18,2007Edenton,NC
H Faye Joyner-- --, 1935April 16,2006Orange Beach,AL

Joyner Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alvin JoynerVallie WallMarch 22,1947Wake, NC
Bobby JoynerCharlotte FueksDecember 4,1946Wake, NC
Cecil JoynerEsther TaylorNovember 12,1938Wake, NC
Donald JoynerMavos WickerJune 1,1945Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Joyner

1208th: Dunham1209th: Dodge
1210th: Leslie1211th: Cortez
1212th: De Leon1213th: Bingham
1214th: Masters1215th: Leon
1216th: Manley1217th: Bowling

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