Jung Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Jung Genealogy & History

Jung can be a Germanic name meaning young, or it can come from the French word jeune which means the same thing. Jung family history records numerous variant spellings including June, Jung, Junge, Jevene, Le Jevene, and Le Juen. The family is believed to be descended from the Le Jeune family, which either accompanied William the Conqueror or arrived soon after and settled in Cambridgeshire. The first mention of the name in tax rolls was Matilda Jun in 1273 in Cambridge. Jung genealogy includes Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung; UCLA chemistry professor Michael E. Jung; and Swedish general Helge Jung.

Jung Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ada Jung-- --, 1912March 31,1999MD
Babette Jung-- --, 1912July ,1974NY
C Frederic Jung-- --, 1912May 11,1988MA
Dae Jung-- --, 1912November 18,1998CA

Jung Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Jung-- --, 1910January 14,1988Pompano Beach,FL
Fan Jung-- --, 1900February ,1987New York,NY
G Warren Jung-- --, 1916May ,1986Saint Joseph,MO
Hae Sun Jung-- --, 1917January 6,2005Chicago,IL

Jung Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Brandon JungKaren SumagpangSeptember 25,2005Wake, NC
Henry JungJoan KrivakNovember 1,1954Wake, NC
Jeffrey JungYumi OkitaJuly 4,1999Wake, NC
Yeon JungClaudia HongDecember 10,2002Bexar, TX

Most Common Surnames After Jung

2045th: Way2046th: Gilman
2047th: McNulty2048th: St. Clair
2049th: Higginbotham2050th: Anders
2051st: McClelland2052nd: McNeal
2053rd: Whitten2054th: Eason

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