Kaminski Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Kaminski Genealogy & History

Kaminski is a surname of Polish or Ukranian derivation. Kaminski family history shows several possible meanings. The first possibility is that it is an occupational name indicating the bearer was a stone cutter or stonemason, from kamien, meaning a stone, and the suffix ski, indicating either a location or nobility. Another possibility is that it is a locational name from one of several towns including Kamieniec. Alternative spellings of this name include Kaminsky and Kamenski. The coat of arms depicts a silver hatchet with a gold handle on a red shield. Kaminski genealogy includes Polish cinematographer Jan Kaminski.

Kaminski Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Chester Kaminski-- --, 1921October 27,2003PA
Barbara Kaminski-- --, 1925November 23,2006IN
Camille Kaminski-- --, 1896February ,1981IL
Dale Kaminski-- --, 1939February 14,2005OH

Kaminski Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Kaminski-- --, 1926December 3,1989Pennington,NJ
F Michael Kaminski-- --, 1955March 4,1991Boston,MA
Gabriel Kaminski-- --, 1935May 8,2007Valencia,PA
Halina Kaminski-- --, 1909May ,1971Miami,FL

Kaminski Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Daniel KaminskiElizabeth StewartSeptember 28,1996Wake, NC
Richard KaminskiJo RussellMarch 23,1970Wake, NC
Leonard KaminskiCarrie MoscatelliFebruary 8,1991Wake, NC
Victor KaminskiMolly HarrisMarch 15,2007Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Kaminski

2073rd: Beavers2074th: Hawthorne
2075th: Marx2076th: Pool
2077th: Kimble2078th: Jolly
2079th: Sneed2080th: Knott
2081st: Rowan2082nd: Spear

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