Kaplan Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Kaplan Genealogy & History
Kaplan is a diverse name that shows up in England, Germany, and Ashkenazi Jewish cultures, among others. Most of these are derived from the Latin word "capellanus", a title given to those who watched over the sacred cloak ("capella") of St. Martin of Tours. This then morphed into "Kaplan", which meant "chaplain" in German and Yiddish and "priest" in Polish. Hence, Kaplan probably originated as an occupational surname given to people who worked as priests, whether Christian or Jewish. Kaplan family history is first recorded in Hampshire, where a William Capelein lived in 1203. Kaplan genealogy includes Stanley Kaplan, founder of the standardized test prep company Kaplan, Inc.
Kaplan Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Aaron Kaplan | -- --, 1916 | November 9,1996 | NY |
B David Kaplan | -- --, 1918 | April 23,1991 | MA |
C Isabel Kaplan | -- --, 1919 | April 19,2001 | OH |
D Corlotta Kaplan | -- --, 1920 | October 1,1999 | NY |
Kaplan Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Claire Kaplan | -- --, 1929 | April 29,2002 | Peabody,MA |
F Shirley Kaplan | -- --, 1924 | December 23,1998 | Harrisburg,PA |
Gabriel Kaplan | -- --, 1901 | September ,1968 | Arlington,VA |
Hal Kaplan | -- --, 1907 | August 13,1997 | Buffalo,NY |
Kaplan Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Bennett Kaplan | Catherine Dziezanowski | May 13,1964 | Wake, NC |
Gary Kaplan | Barbara Suarez | April 30,1965 | Wake, NC |
Oscar Kaplan | Ava Lance | October 2,1934 | Wake, NC |
Martin Kaplan | Beverly Golstein | December 11,1948 | Wake, NC |
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