Keeler Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Keeler Genealogy & History

Keeler is derived from the English kele or ceol or the Dutch kiel, meaning ship; the name refers to someone who directs a boat or builds them. The family coat of arms is a black field with a vertical row of three gold acorns in the center, the middle one being flanked on either side by a silver coins. Keeler family history tells us that Petter Keeler in 1551 is the first known of the name in his marriage to Tamjen Harris in Willesborough, Kent, England. Two members of the Keeler genealogy are astronomer James Edward Keeler and polygraph inventor Leonarde Keeler.

Keeler Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Keeler-- --, 1909August 22,1998NY
Barbara Keeler-- --, 1926August 15,2007PA
Calvin Keeler-- --, 1941September 17,2007SC
D Patricia Keeler-- --, 1925March 17,2010MI

Keeler Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Hugh Keeler-- --, 1918February ,1984El Paso,TX
F Jolene Keeler-- --, 1930August 30,2008Exeter,CA
G Harold Keeler-- --, 1925August ,1990Media,PA
H Eleanor Keeler-- --, 1918November 21,1994Williamsport,PA

Keeler Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Christopher KeelerMaria GilstrapJune 15,2002Wake, NC
David KeelerSharon BrounJune 22,2002Dallas, TX
Gary KeelerShawna CopelandMarch 3,2003Potter, TX
Michael KeelerDonna PufpaffSeptember 2,1978Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Keeler

2470th: Ricci2471st: Layne
2472nd: Farnsworth2473rd: Foust
2474th: Thibodeaux2475th: Grogan
2476th: Leung2477th: Chapin
2478th: Radford2479th: Staton

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