Kenney Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Kenney Genealogy & History
Kenney is an Irish and Scottish surname, an anglicized form of the Gaelic O'Cionnaoith, meaning son of Coinneach, an Irish saint who is the namesake of Kilkenny. It is most common in west-central Ireland, in Roscommon and Galway. In Scotland, it is likely an anglicized form of the Gaelic Cionadha, which might be from "cion", for respect and affection, and "Aodh", the god of fire. In either case, Kenney family history begins with the baptism of Matyle Kennie in 1563 at St. Andrew's, Holborn, London. Kenney genealogy includes several notable people, like Air Force General George Kenney and National Lampoon cofounder Douglas Kenney.
Kenney Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Aaron Kenney | -- --, 1912 | November 9,1996 | AR |
Barbara Kenney | -- --, 1939 | June 27,2006 | ME |
C Langdon Kenney | -- --, 1916 | August 2,2000 | NH |
D Nadine Kenney | -- --, 1923 | August 10,2006 | TN |
Kenney Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Earl Kenney | -- --, 1897 | February ,1974 | Haverhill,MA |
F Donald Kenney | -- --, 1918 | December 17,1997 | New York,NY |
G Murray Kenney | -- --, 1924 | March 2,2007 | Henderson,NY |
H Brice Kenney | -- --, 1920 | May 28,1998 | Downers Grove,IL |
Kenney Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Almyria Kenney | Linda Ramirez | June 7,2000 | Tarrant, TX |
Brandon Kenney | Cicely Pelletier | October 10,2002 | Nueces, TX |
Clarence Kenney | Shiquitia Gibson | August 12,2000 | Collin, TX |
Dennis Kenney | Denise Byrd | January 23,1986 | Wake, NC |
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