Keyes Family History

Keyes Genealogy & History

Keyes is an occupational Engish surname, from the Old English caeg, meaning key and indicating someone who made or was responsible for the keys of a great house. It could also come from the Middle English kaye, meaning a wharf, the Celtic name Cai or Key, or the Middle English kay, meaning a jackdaw. Keyes family history starts in 1275, when Roger Keys was noted in the Subsidy Rolls of Worcestershire. Keyes genealogy includes ambassador and Republican official Alan Keyes and singer Alicia Keyes.

Keyes Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Beatrice Keyes-- --, 1927November 28,2004MA
B Dolores K.-- --, 1931July ,1995PA
Calep Keyes-- --, 1917August 1,1999MS
D Jeanne K.-- --, 1922June 16,2010IL

Keyes Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Russell K.-- --, 1904June 22,1995Ridgefield,CT
Fannie Keyes-- --, 1932July 31,2003Brooklyn,NY
Gabrielle K.-- --, 1894October 15,1989Lee,MA
H Morgan Keyes-- --, 1913July 6,2003Branford,CT

Keyes Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Anthony K.Wendy LloydJanuary 13,1999Wake, NC
Clarence KeyesLyndia PresidentMay 25,1980Wake, NC
Edward K.Betty CloningerNovember 22,1968Harris, TX
Glen KeyesGrace GomezNovember 25,2000Matagorda, TX

Most Common Surnames After Keyes

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2016th: Starkey2017th: Barbour

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