Krueger Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Krueger Genealogy & History
Krueger is a Germanic occupational surname with two sources. In the Middle Ages, it was used for people who made or sold glass and pottery, especially pitchers, mugs, and jugs, from the Old High German kruog. The second is from the Middle German krug, which means inn or tavern and described an inkeeper. Krueger family history starts off with Lotze Crugir of Kassel in 1351, found in a town charter. Krueger genealogy includes a few notable people, such as WWII General Walter Krueger, Boer leader Paul Kruger, and Bob Krueger, the last Democrat to represent Texas in the Senate.
Krueger Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Dolores Krueger | -- --, 1930 | October 18,2006 | IL |
B Edward Krueger | -- --, 1918 | April 7,2009 | IL |
Caleb Krueger | -- --, 1915 | September 11,1988 | MN |
D Jacqueli Krueger | -- --, 1930 | February 11,1996 | IL |
Krueger Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Elsie Krueger | -- --, 1908 | July 22,2005 | Austin,MN |
Fannie Krueger | -- --, 1892 | August ,1978 | Kouts,IN |
G Robert Krueger | -- --, 1915 | March ,1978 | Washington,KS |
Hallie Krueger | -- --, 1893 | October ,1973 | Frankfort,IN |
Krueger Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Cary Krueger | Sue Johnson | January 18,1964 | Wake, NC |
Timothy Krueger | Gretchen Woodall | June 19,2004 | Wake, NC |
Wayne Krueger | Nicolette Almanza | June 13,2000 | Bexar, TX |
Vernon Krueger | Willie Wright | October 9,1968 | Comanche, TX |
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