Lamb Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Lamb Genealogy & History

Lamb is an English surname with a few possible origins, mostly related to the animal. First, it was used for shepherds, who also kept lambs. Sometimes that extended to personalities, as in someone who was gentle and mild. Lastly, it may have been a shortening of the Middle English Lambert, from Old German land, meaning territory, and berht, meaning bright. Lamb family history begins with the registering of Aedward Lamb in 1195 in the Pipe Rolls of Kent. Lamb genealogy includes several notable people, such as British Admiral Charles Lambe, Yankees third baseman Michael Lamb, and prominent linguist Sydney Lamb.

Lamb Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Marie Lamb-- --, 1924January 17,2001ID
B Carlton Lamb-- --, 1918April 2,2002NC
C Chris Lamb-- --, 1916July 23,1992SC
D Sue Lamb-- --, 1930June 28,1996MS

Lamb Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E D Lamb-- --, 1913July 8,2005Clinton,MS
F Gilbert Lamb-- --, 1915July 8,1996Lake Oswego,OR
Gabriele Lamb-- --, 1932April 25,2009Galion,OH
Hada Lamb-- --, 1900July ,1984Chamois,MO

Lamb Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Arthur LambSusanne SteigerAugust 14,1961Wake, NC
Robert LambKaherine HardisonSeptember 8,1944Wake, NC
Lennie LambMary MontgomeryApril 8,1955Wake, NC
John LambHelen WingfieldDecember 29,1967Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Lamb

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424th: Drake425th: Yates
426th: Hines427th: Lloyd
428th: Ingram429th: Moody
430th: Sparks431st: Pratt

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