Lange Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Lange Genealogy & History

Lange has two possible origins. The first is from Old English "lang", meaning tall or long. When derived from the Gaelic form O'Longain, "O" means "of the male lineage" and "longain" comes from "long", denoting a ship and so a seafarer. Some other spellings are Langer, Lang, Langen, and de Langen. Recorded Lange family history lists Leofwine Lange in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in 1070. The first noted arrival in America was Johann Lange in 1635. Noteworthy Lange genealogy members are documentary photojournalist Dorothea Lange; unrelated actresses Hope and Jessica Lange; and Mother�Mary Elizabeth Lange, foundress of the�Oblate Sisters of Providence.

Lange Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Alfred Lange-- --, 1919July 29,2010OH
B Lorraine Lange-- --, 1922June 3,1993PA
Callie Lange-- --, 1907July 19,1993CA
Dagmar Lange-- --, 1937July 15,2004IL

Lange Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Allan Lange-- --, 1920January 17,2000San Mateo,CA
Fada Lange-- --, 1906June 25,1999Pequot Lakes,MN
G Lois Lange-- --, 1925September 30,1996Lexington,NE
H Franklin Lange-- --, 1915August 11,2002Milwaukee,WI

Lange Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Carl LangeMargaret EcherdNovember 12,1937Wake, NC
Franklin LangeLisa CrossonJanuary 12,2001Wake, NC
Merle LangeMary NybergMay 5,1962Wake, NC
Robert LangeJana ClinardNovember 14,1992Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Lange

788th: Daly789th: Singh
790th: Pena791st: Compton
792nd: Finley793rd: Aguilar
794th: Dickson795th: Mooney
796th: Duke797th: Sanford

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