Leach Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Leach Genealogy & History
The surname Leach is an English name that has two possible origins. Leach family history shows that this name may be an occupational name derived from the Old English word "laece", meaning a leech or doctor, referring to the practice of applying leeches to draw blood from sick people. The second possibility is that it is a topographical name derived from the word "loecc" and the earlier "lacu", or water, which referred to a person who lived near or worked on water. Leach genealogy includes famous people such as Robin Leach, host of the television reality show Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.
Leach Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Gordon Leach | -- --, 1921 | November 1,1994 | VA |
B F Dieffe Leach | -- --, 1907 | January 28,1997 | PA |
C Edward Leach | -- --, 1911 | October 17,1992 | MD |
Dagmar Leach | -- --, 1896 | September ,1972 | NE |
Leach Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Daniel Leach | -- --, 1926 | January 6,2001 | Fort Lauderdale,FL |
Fairall Leach | -- --, 1916 | August ,1980 | Norfolk,VA |
G Robert Leach | -- --, 1920 | June 20,1995 | Bath,NY |
H Kenneth Leach | -- --, 1912 | October 11,2008 | Port Saint Lucie,FL |
Leach Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Abraham Leach | Mary Mcneil | May 30,1968 | Wake, NC |
Billie Leach | Rosa Griffis | August 10,1960 | Wake, NC |
Centry Leach | Katie Bridgers | December 7,1935 | Wake, NC |
Ernest Leach | Fannie Denning | September 11,1937 | Wake, NC |
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