Lee Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Lee Genealogy & History
Lee genealogy presents researchers with immense challenges, including many different spellings (among them Lee, Lea, Leagh, Lees, Leese, Leigh, Leighe, Legh, and Li), and several different ethnic and cultural origins, including English, Romany, and Gaelic, as well as Chinese. (During the Tang dynasty, Lee was the royal surname.) Consequently the meaning of the name varies based on Lee family history. Famous Lees include the American General Robert E. Lee, the American author Harper Lee, the Chinese-American marital artist and actor Bruce Lee, and the film director Spike Lee.
Lee Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Diane Lee | -- --, 1932 | December 29,1996 | CA |
B Burdette Lee | -- --, 1919 | July 26,2001 | NY |
Curtis Lee | -- --, 1950 | February 7,1988 | NJ |
D Dixon Lee | -- --, 1911 | February 14,1996 | SC |
Lee Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Brooke Lee | -- --, 1917 | August 20,2004 | Chevy Chase,MD |
F Arlene Lee | -- --, 1919 | June 1,2002 | Shreve,OH |
G Allen Lee | -- --, 1923 | November ,1988 | Boothbay Harbor,ME |
H Alton Lee | -- --, 1917 | October 28,2001 | Red Level,AL |
Lee Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Booker Lee | Chaney Lindsey | January 17,1936 | Wake, NC |
Charlie Lee | Clellie Alston | June 27,1936 | Wake, NC |
Folden Lee | Ruby Thrower | October 9,1937 | Wake, NC |
George Lee | Callie Lee | October 14,1933 | Wake, NC |
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