Levine Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Levine Genealogy & History

The surname Levine has three possible origins. Levine family history shows that the name may be English, Manx or Ashkenazi Jewish. The first derivation is the Old English name Leofwine, composed of "leof", meaning beloved, and "wine", a friend, to form "beloved friend". The second derivation is a fusion of the early Gaelic patronymic "Mac giolla Giullin", which means a male descendant of the servant of William. The third derivation is Hebrew, from Levi, a given name meaning joining. Levine genealogy shows several alternative spellings, including Levin, Lewin, and Leven. Famous people with this surname include comedian Adam Levine.

Levine Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Dolores Levine-- --, 1924October 19,1993NY
Babette Levine-- --, 1932August 25,1996NY
C Millye Levine-- --, 1930December 25,1990NY
D June Levine-- --, 1924February 19,1998IL

Levine Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E James Levine-- --, 1914November 15,1997Honolulu,HI
Fae Levine-- --, 1910February 21,1996West Palm Beach,FL
Gabriel Levine-- --, 1915January 20,2001Fort Lauderdale,FL
H Eugene Levine-- --, 1915March 19,2006Dallas,TX

Levine Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Frank LevineEthel KurzweilAugust 19,1964Wake, NC
Robert LevineMary MartinFebruary 6,1943Wake, NC
Solomon LevineHelen PizerMarch 5,1944Wake, NC
Nathan LevineJudith LebowitzNovember 4,1950Wake, NC

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