Longo Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Longo Genealogy & History

Longo is mainly an Italian name. It was originally derived from the Old Italian word longo, from the Latin longus, which means long, tall, or lanky. Hence, the name likely developed from a nickname for a tall person. Longo family history is first recorded with one Clemente Longon (an alternate spelling), whose daughter was christened in Bari, Italy, in 1582. Longo genealogy includes the cyclist Jeannie Longo, generally considered one of the best female cyclists of all time; as of this writing, she has won 59 French championships and 13 world championships.

Longo Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abelardo Longo-- --, 1905August ,1981PR
Bambina Longo-- --, 1909September ,1988NY
Caesar Longo-- --, 1916November 4,1992LA
Daniel Longo-- --, 1914June 14,2000MA

Longo Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Longo-- --, 1907February ,1975Pittsburgh,PA
Fannie Longo-- --, 1924September 15,1993Bronx,NY
Gabriel Longo-- --, 1924November 3,1988Cleveland,OH
Harold Longo-- --, 1917November 22,1979Harrisburg,PA

Longo Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Christopher LongoLaura GodfreyJuly 18,2008Wake, NC
Eric LongoMelissa FergusonNovember 6,2004Wake, NC
Yvonne LongoPhillip CrossmanJune 9,1972Miami-Dade, FL
Santo LongoAngelita DominguezJune 30,1984El Paso, TX

Most Common Surnames After Longo

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2455th: Acevedo2456th: Hemphill

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