Lynn Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Lynn Genealogy & History

The surname Lynn has several possible derivations. Lynn family history shows that the first possibility is Middle English and is derived from the pre-Roman British word "lenna", which later became the Welsh word "llyn", meaning lake, making it a locational name. The second possible origin is Celtic and Scottish. This version is also locational in nature, deriving from either an old manor house in Peebleshire named Lyn or the ancient castle of Lin in Ayrshire. The last possibility is the Old Gaelic O' Fhloinn, a given name derived from "flann", meaning a person with a ruddy complexion. Lynn genealogy includes world champion figure skater Janet Lynn.

Lynn Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Bernard Lynn-- --, 1911October ,1986WA
B Marie Lynn-- --, 1926May 7,1998OH
C Grace Lynn-- --, 1922March 16,2008FL
Daisey Lynn-- --, 1904March ,1990OR

Lynn Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E June Lynn-- --, 1927November 25,1996Bensalem,PA
F Margaret Lynn-- --, 1919March 5,2008White Plains,NY
G Bernice Lynn-- --, 1926April 11,1997Brandon,VT
H William Lynn-- --, 1933January 17,2003Duncansville,PA

Lynn Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alfred LynnDorothy MinceyMarch 20,1971Wake, NC
Billy LynnJanice HayesDecember 29,1974Wake, NC
Chester LynnViolet TeskeJune 19,1943Wake, NC
Derrell LynnLobelia GreenNovember 29,1941Wake, NC

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