Lyons Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Lyons Genealogy & History

The surname Lyons is most often an English, Scottish or Irish name that is originally of French derivation. Lyons family history show that this name has four possible origins. The first possibility is the town of Lyons, France. Another is the Roman "leo", a lion; yet another is the French "Leo", a given name used by many popes and early martyrs. Last, the name may derive from the Gaelic O'Laighin, which means a male descendent of someone proficient in the use of that weapon. Lyons genealogy includes Sir William Lyons, co-founder of the Swallow Sidecar Company, which later became Jaguar Cars, Ltd.

Lyons Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Gordon Lyons-- --, 1928August 7,1996NY
Babetta Lyons-- --, 1933November 2,1999CA
C Edward Lyons-- --, 1912September 23,2001MA
D Mary Lyons-- --, 1924June 21,1997NY

Lyons Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Clair Lyons-- --, 1913November 30,1998Caldwell,ID
F Evelyn Lyons-- --, 1932February 2,2004Danville,IL
G Archie Lyons-- --, 1922October 23,2003Beaumont,TX
H Auralee Lyons-- --, 1925March 2,1997Brooksville,FL

Lyons Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Albert LyonsLinda WatsonJanuary 10,1964Wake, NC
Burtis LyonsIrene GuttmannNovember 14,1993Wake, NC
Charlie LyonsRuth ScaboroOctober 22,1933Wake, NC
Edgar LyonsWinnie McduffieMarch 26,1966Wake, NC

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