Markham Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Markham Genealogy & History

Markham stems from the pre-seventh-century Old English merc, with ham making the compound a place name of boundary settlement. Some other spellings are Markem, Marcham, and Markam. The coat of arms is a rearing lion holding a harp on a blue band in the top third on a gold shield. Markham family history mentions Jordan de Marcham as the first known recorded spelling of the name in the Records of Please in 1204, London, England. Two members of the Markham genealogy are writer, pilot, and horse trainer Beryl Markham and Mozilla Foundation programmer and Bugzilla lead developer Gervase Markham.

Markham Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Markham-- --, 1910March ,1986PA
Babe Markham-- --, 1930May 17,2007CA
Calvin Markham-- --, 1930March 27,2007IA
D Lucille Markham-- --, 1927October 20,1998IL

Markham Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Jean Markham-- --, 1924November 21,2003Colville,WA
Faith Markham-- --, 1916July ,1986Miami,FL
G David Markham-- --, 1922December 3,1988Littlestown,PA
Harla Markham-- --, 1946January 26,1995Tacoma,WA

Markham Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Allan MarkhamNancy EdwardsFebruary 12,1955Wake, NC
Barney MarkhamCamilla KingOctober 3,1953Wake, NC
Clifton MarkhamAnnie JonesNovember 2,1946Wake, NC
David MarkhamKandy WalkerDecember 16,1978Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Markham

2186th: Coburn2187th: Schmid
2188th: Durbin2189th: Hinds
2190th: Moulton2191st: Deaton
2192nd: Santana2193rd: Lawton
2194th: Ellsworth2195th: Stock

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