Martin Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Martin Genealogy & History
Martin derives from "Mars," the Roman god of war and fertility, with 200 variations throughout Europe dating back to the 1100s.In Old English the name can also mean "settlement by a lake".The French Saint Martin was responsible for the increased popularity of this name in the 1300s.Martin family history includes many variations: Polish Marcin, Spanish Martinez, Italian Martini, Dutch and German Martens, Scandinavian Martinsson, Russian and Bulgarian Martinev, and many others.It has also been co-opted in Martin genealogy as a given name, such as Martin Luther and Martin Luther King. The family motto is "sure and steadfast."
Martin Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
1Earl Martin | -- --, 1917 | June 13,2006 | TX |
A Austin Martin | -- --, 1918 | December 3,1991 | MA |
B Dudley Martin | -- --, 1926 | February 12,2005 | VA |
Christopher Martin | -- --, 1921 | July 10,2010 | NY |
Martin Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
D Allen Martin | -- --, 1913 | September 7,1991 | Independence,MO |
E Adelaide Martin | -- --, 1919 | February 14,2005 | Elmore,OH |
F Breaux Martin | -- --, 1912 | May ,1986 | Toledo,OH |
G Arlyn Martin | -- --, 1928 | February 11,2001 | Luzerne,IA |
Martin Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Curman Martin | Lillian Nipper | December 23,1933 | Wake, NC |
Reed Martin | Lucie Bean | September 21,1920 | Wake, NC |
James Martin | Dorothy Nipper | September 30,1933 | Wake, NC |
Marvin Martin | Estelle Daniels | December 23,1933 | Wake, NC |
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