Martino Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Martino Genealogy & History

Martino is an Italian surname, a variation on the name of the Greek deity Mars, god of fertility and war, and part of a family of many European surnames derived from it, though it could also come from the Old German mar, meaning to gleam. Martino family history starts in 1166, when Walter Martin was enrolled in the charters of the county of Northampton. Martino genealogy includes soccer player and commentator Kyle Martino and Vatican diplomat and cardinal Renato Martino.

Martino Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Acacia Martino-- --, 1911June ,1982NY
Barbara Martino-- --, 1941July 7,2002CT
Caetano Martino-- --, 1899November ,1984OH
D Joan Martino-- --, 1926January 8,1992WV

Martino Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Martino-- --, 1915April 5,1988New Orleans,LA
Fae Martino-- --, 1904April ,1991Fort Lauderdale,FL
Gabriel Martino-- --, 1904March ,1983New York,NY
Harold Martino-- --, 1919September 24,1993Albuquerque,NM

Martino Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Michael MartinoDena MooreSeptember 1,1990Wake, NC
Thomas MartinoAngela ThomureAugust 12,2000Montgomery, TX
Frank MartinoAna ReynosoJune 26,2000Elpaso, TX
Chad MartinoStephanie MosherJune 23,2000Travis, TX

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