Mathis Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Mathis Genealogy & History
With over 250 variations, Mathis is a popular surname in countries ranging from Poland to France to the United States. In Mathis genealogy, the name derives from the Hebrew given name, "Mattathiah", which means gift of God. Mathis family history shows that the name became popular when it was given to male children after their fathers' return from the Crusades in the Holy Land. Alternative spellings include the French Mathieu, the English Mathews, and the Polish Macieiczyk. Famous people with this name include Chances Are singer Johnny Mathis as well as father and son heavyweight boxers Buster Mathis and Buster Mathis Jr.
Mathis Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Melvin Mathis | -- --, 1920 | February 3,1996 | MO |
Babara Mathis | -- --, 1943 | December 6,2003 | FL |
C Hillman Mathis | -- --, 1924 | June 29,2009 | MS |
Dacy Mathis | -- --, 1914 | May ,1982 | CO |
Mathis Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Bernice Mathis | -- --, 1925 | October 13,2004 | Choctaw,OK |
F Austin Mathis | -- --, 1927 | August 7,1996 | Phoenix,AZ |
G Ray Mathis | -- --, 1937 | March ,1981 | Mathews,AL |
H Clyde Mathis | -- --, 1916 | February 20,1991 | Oceanside,CA |
Mathis Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Connie Mathis | Dorothy Bobbitt | February 20,1948 | Wake, NC |
Donald Mathis | Toni Mcfayden | April 11,1963 | Wake, NC |
Richard Mathis | Dorothy Sears | November 27,1941 | Wake, NC |
Odell Mathis | Alene Carter | October 27,1945 | Wake, NC |
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