Matthews Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Matthews Genealogy & History

The surname Matthews is of Scottish and English derivation. Matthews family history shows that this surname is derived from the Hebrew given name, "Mattathiah", which means a gift of the Lord. In Matthews genealogy, the final "s" indicates "son of". This name was given to many Crusaders' sons when their fathers returned from the Holy Land. The first recorded spelling of this surname was probably that of Alan Mathew in Cambridge in the year 1260. Alternative spellings include Mathew, Mathews, and the French Mathieu. Musician Dave Matthews (The Dave Matthews Band) is a famous member of this family line.

Matthews Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Alvin Matthews-- --, 1965October 22,1995TN
B Deane Matthews-- --, 1924October 19,2002MN
C Brantley Matthews-- --, 1914February ,1978NC
D Ernest Matthews-- --, 1916February 7,1989MD

Matthews Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Claire Matthews-- --, 1948July ,1984Greeley,CO
F Brooke Matthews-- --, 1915May ,1993La Plata,MD
G Duane Matthews-- --, 1923April 23,2002Oneonta,NY
Helen Matthews-- --, 1921February 15,2010San Diego,CA

Matthews Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Allen MatthewsMinnie PoolOctober 28,1934Wake, NC
Billy MatthewsLucy WilliamsMay 20,1948Wake, NC
Carlie MatthewsVeruell FairclothApril 13,1946Wake, NC
Diller MatthewsRuth DixonNovember 15,1941Wake, NC

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