Maxwell Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Maxwell Genealogy & History
The surname Maxwell has Scottish and Irish origins. The Scottish is a locational name derived from a land grant near Melrose, on the Tweed River in Roxburghshire. The name refers to a salmon pool named "Maccus' Wiel", or Maccus' well, which was attached to the land. The name "Maccus" is derived from the Old Norse given name "Makkr", which is a form of "magnus", which means great. Maxwell family history shows that the Irish version is popular in Ulster as an alternate form of the surname Miskell. Maxwell genealogy includes Scottish physicist and mathematician�James Clerk Maxwell.
Maxwell Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Herman Maxwell | -- --, 1913 | May ,1979 | MA |
Bailey Maxwell | -- --, 1903 | December ,1979 | KY |
C Martin Maxwell | -- --, 1911 | November 4,1993 | PA |
D Jack Maxwell | -- --, 1923 | December ,1992 | PA |
Maxwell Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Bernadin Maxwell | -- --, 1921 | June 8,2006 | East Rochester,NY |
F Clair Maxwell | -- --, 1920 | January 27,2001 | Orlando,FL |
Gabriel Maxwell | -- --, 1904 | December 28,1998 | Wichita,KS |
Helen Maxwell | -- --, 1929 | September 26,1992 | Columbia,SC |
Maxwell Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Dannie Maxwell | Flora Hoover | May 2,1942 | Wake, NC |
Eugene Maxwell | Mary Hunter | October 18,1947 | Wake, NC |
Jacob Maxwell | Mabel Nelson | October 5,1940 | Wake, NC |
Montie Maxwell | Elizabeth Day | February 12,1945 | Wake, NC |
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