McClendon Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

McClendon Genealogy & History

McClendon stems from the Gaelic leannach, meaning cloaked or covered, plus the suffix on, meaning a descendant. Some of the different spellings are McAlinden, Glindon, McLindon, MacLinden, and MacGlindon. The coat of arms is three black lances with red banners attached on a silver shield. McClendon family history tells us that the first known recording of the family name is James McLinden, who migrated to America in 1768 and settled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Two members of the McClendon genealogy are White House reporter Sarah Newcomb McClendon and baseball manager and left and right fielder Lloyd Glenn McClendon.

McClendon Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Mcclendon-- --, 1944February 1,2004NJ
Baker Mcclendon-- --, 1890August ,1972MS
C Bell Mcclendon-- --, 1925August ,1986MS
Daisy Mcclendon-- --, 1901February ,1968TN

McClendon Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Eaker Mcclendon-- --, 1945December 15,1995New Haven,CT
Fairey Mcclendon-- --, 1916April ,1985Counce,TN
Gale Mcclendon-- --, 1902November ,1969Antioch,CA
Haidee Mcclendon-- --, 1931November 19,2003Voorhees,NJ

McClendon Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Elgie McclendonRuby AnthonyMay 2,2002Potter, TX
Frank McclendonMary ReavesSeptember 9,1975Wake, NC
Gabriel McclendonMegan GardnerApril 6,2002Tarrant, TX
Scott McclendonJennifer RobinsonJune 15,1996Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After McClendon

2220th: Kolb2221st: Jameson
2222nd: Clancy2223rd: McCartney
2224th: Oldham2225th: Millard
2226th: Krieger2227th: Valenzuela
2228th: Wiles2229th: Melendez

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