McConnell Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
McConnell Genealogy & History
McConnell family history shows that this surname is of both Irish and Scottish origin. The Irish claim that it derives from Cathasach O'Connail, the bishop of Connacht in 1180, and refers to the given name Daniel. The Scots believe it derives from "MacDhomhnuill", which later became MacDonnell, meaning a male descendent of Donald. McConnell genealogy gives the first modern spelling of this name as that of a William McConnil, who lived in the parish of Urray in 1649. Famous people with this surname include actor Jerry McConnell; John Michael McConnell, former director of the National Security Agency; and Mitch McConnell, senior senator from Kentucky.
McConnell Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Mildred Mcconnell | -- --, 1912 | July ,1995 | OH |
B Yates Mcconnell | -- --, 1929 | March 20,2006 | NC |
Chancelyn Mcconnell | -- --, 1973 | January 18,2009 | WA |
Dagmar Mcconnell | -- --, 1889 | February ,1975 | IL |
McConnell Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Caroline Mcconnell | -- --, 1916 | December 5,2006 | San Antonio,TX |
Fabian Mcconnell | -- --, 1923 | November 13,2001 | Saint Charles,MN |
Gail Mcconnell | -- --, 1908 | August 20,1998 | Mount Vernon,OH |
H Alan Mcconnell | -- --, 1928 | July 7,1995 | Orlando,FL |
McConnell Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Alfred Mcconnell | Rebecca Champion | March 28,1964 | Wake, NC |
Burke Mcconnell | Doris Chamblee | February 2,1935 | Wake, NC |
Douglas Mcconnell | Virginia Ransdell | November 21,1945 | Wake, NC |
George Mcconnell | Marjorie Norman | June 30,1967 | Wake, NC |
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