McCormick Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

McCormick Genealogy & History
McCormick is a Scottish and Irish name. It is an anglicized form of the Old Gaelic name MacCormaig, which means son of Cormac, which is derived from the early Celtic, "corb-mac", meaning charioteer. McCormick family history shows that the first recorded spelling of this surname belongs to Gilecrisst Mac Cormaic in The Book of the Abbey of Deer in Scotland, 1134. Alternative spellings in McCormick genealogy include MacCormack and Cormick. The McCormick family tree includes such luminaries as Cyrus McCormick, inventor of the McCormick harvesting machine reaper, which later became International Harvester; and Robert McCormick, Chicago Tribune editor and war hero.
McCormick Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Aarchie Mccormick | -- --, 1911 | December 27,1993 | AK |
Babe Mccormick | -- --, 1894 | January ,1971 | WV |
C Atlee Mccormick | -- --, 1899 | August ,1977 | IL |
Dagney Mccormick | -- --, 1909 | December 20,1991 | SD |
McCormick Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Glenn Mccormick | -- --, 1923 | June 12,2007 | Franklin,NE |
Fabiola Mccormick | -- --, 1908 | February 23,1992 | West Warwick,RI |
G Lawrence Mccormick | -- --, 1909 | August ,1983 | Vicksburg,PA |
H Barker Mccormick | -- --, 1921 | December 24,2003 | Media,PA |
McCormick Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Allen Mccormick | Rosa Flury | July 9,1937 | Wake, NC |
Duncan Mccormick | Patricia Dillon | September 4,1971 | Wake, NC |
George Mccormick | Penny Wilbourne | October 24,1981 | Wake, NC |
Stephen Mccormick | Rachel Brown | October 30,1999 | Wake, NC |
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