McDermott Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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McDermott Genealogy & History

The surname McDermott is of Irish origin. McDermott family history shows that this name is derived from the anglicized version of the Gaelic word, "Mac Diarmada", which indicates a male descendant of Diarmaid, which later was changed to Dermot and can mean either a free man or free from envy. McDermott genealogy in Ireland states that the head of the family is known as "the MacDermot" and also claims the title of Prince of Coola. A famous member of this clan is actor Dylan McDermott, who currently stars as Ben Harmon in the FX television drama American Horror Story.

McDermott Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Virginia Mcdermott-- --, 1923November ,1991NJ
Bambi Mcdermott-- --, 1963January 24,2008NY
C Thomas Mcdermott-- --, 1919April 7,1989OH
Dagmer Mcdermott-- --, 1902September ,1981IA

McDermott Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Joyce Mcdermott-- --, 1927December 17,1997Milwaukee,WI
F Arnold Mcdermott-- --, 1913May 13,2001Aurora,CO
Gabriel Mcdermott-- --, 1934March 7,1990Flushing,NY
Helen Mcdermott-- --, 1928May 9,2010Saint Louis,MO

McDermott Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
David McdermottTammy GaskinsJuly 18,1987Wake, NC
Peter McdermottWendy CookSeptember 23,1968Wake, NC
Michael McdermottLaura MccauleyMay 21,1983Wake, NC
John McdermottTracy EissfeldtApril 20,1991Wake, NC

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862nd: McCabe863rd: Singer

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