McDonald Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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McDonald Genealogy & History

The McDonald genealogy shows this name is of Scottish derivation. It can also be spelled as MacDonald and has even taken the form of Mak Donald. This surname is derived from the prefix "Mac", which means a male descendant of, and the given name "Dhomhnuill", which means the ruler of the world. In McDonald family history, many Kings of Scotland, and King David II in particular, resented this meaning and waged a long but unsuccessful war against the family to depose them. The first recorded spelling of the family name is probably that of a Therthelnac MakDonenalde, which appears on a charter at Lesmore written in 1251.

McDonald Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Evelyn Mcdonald-- --, 1913May ,1986MA
Barbara Mcdonald-- --, 1944July 17,2010CA
C Edith Mcdonald-- --, 1930January 19,2005WA
D Bruce Mcdonald-- --, 1917September 9,2004MI

McDonald Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Edward Mcdonald-- --, 1924June 16,2010Marietta,GA
F Joseph Mcdonald-- --, 1923September 24,1994Wayne,PA
G Corry Mcdonald-- --, 1914March 5,1995Albuquerque,NM
H Jack Mcdonald-- --, 1922September 7,2006Birmingham,AL

McDonald Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Amos McdonaldMinnie BeckwithNovember 24,1933Wake, NC
Charlie McdonaldMartha MooreNovember 6,1948Wake, NC
Edward McdonaldMartha LideJune 1,1964Wake, NC
Flammon McdonaldMary TurnerNovember 23,1940Wake, NC

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