McGuire Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

McGuire Genealogy & History
McGuire is an Irish surname. McGuire genealogy shows that it is an anglicized form of the Old Gaelic "MagUidhir", which means son of "Uidhir", also spelled "odhar", which means dun-coloured. The first recorded spelling of this surname is shown by McGuire family history to be that of MagUidhir in 956 in Ulster. The McGuire coat of arms is a green shield with a knight in full armor wearing a plume of ostrich feathers on his helmet and holding a sword in his right hand. Famous people with this surname include the singing McGuire sisters: Phyllis, Christine, and Dorothy.
McGuire Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Chris Mcguire | -- --, 1954 | October 24,2005 | IA |
B Joanne Mcguire | -- --, 1928 | August 1,2001 | PA |
C Kenneth Mcguire | -- --, 1920 | October 23,2007 | IA |
Daisy Mcguire | -- --, 1887 | January ,1983 | NY |
McGuire Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Kathryn Mcguire | -- --, 1925 | July 31,1999 | Memphis,TN |
F Jean Mcguire | -- --, 1921 | July 21,2006 | Towson,MD |
G Frances Mcguire | -- --, 1919 | December 9,1997 | Gilman City,MO |
H Jane Mcguire | -- --, 1920 | July 15,2009 | Mc Neil,AR |
McGuire Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Joeseph Mcguire | Fairlean Capel | November 22,1932 | Wake, NC |
Phil Mcguire | Elsie Lee | September 26,1942 | Wake, NC |
Stanford Mcguire | Margaret Hornick | May 6,1944 | Wake, NC |
Thomas Mcguire | Betty Hendershot | February 6,1948 | Wake, NC |
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