McIntyre Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
McIntyre Genealogy & History
McIntyre family history shows that it is a surname of Scottish origin. In McIntyre genealogy, the name has two possible meanings. The first possible meaning is a male descendant of a carpenter. The second possibility is that it is a locational name indicating a person who lived on or near a promontory or headland, from the word Kintyre, which derives from "Cean", which means head, and "tir", which means land. A famous fictional character with this name is Trapper John McIntyre of the book, film, and television versions of the Korean War comedy M*A*S*H*. A famous person with an alternate spelling of this surname is country singer Reba McEntire.
McIntyre Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Louise Mcintyre | -- --, 1926 | September 28,2000 | PA |
Backmon Mcintyre | -- --, 1900 | February ,1966 | SC |
C Donald Mcintyre | -- --, 1916 | September 27,2008 | IL |
D Patrick Mcintyre | -- --, 1918 | May 9,1999 | IL |
McIntyre Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Fred Mcintyre | -- --, 1916 | April 20,1988 | Atlanta,GA |
F Pearl Mcintyre | -- --, 1919 | August 14,2002 | Warren,PA |
Gail Mcintyre | -- --, 1881 | July 15,1966 | West Clarksville,NY |
H Dale Mcintyre | -- --, 1949 | October 4,2006 | Chester,PA |
McIntyre Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Brian Mcintyre | Karen Fitzpatrick | August 12,1967 | Wake, NC |
Christopher Mcintyre | Sherry Hamilton | August 28,1982 | Wake, NC |
Dylan Mcintyre | Lawanda Brannon | April 7,2001 | Wake, NC |
Gordon Mcintyre | Rose Doufled | October 14,1932 | Wake, NC |
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