McKay Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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McKay Genealogy & History

McKay is a surname of Scottish and Irish derivation. It comes from the Old Gaelic name MacAodh, which means son of fire. Aodh was the name of the pagan god of fire. Alternative spellings in McKay genealogy include MacKay, McCay, MacCay, Makee, and Mackey. McKay family history includes such famous people as Gardner McKay, star of television series Adventures in Paradise; long-time host of Wild World of Sports, Jim McKay; Al McKay, formerly of Earth, Wind, & Fire; �neas Mackay�(1839�1909), Prime Minister of the Netherlands; actor Nicholas McKay; and Raymond T. McKay, American labor leader.

McKay Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Joan Mckay-- --, 1920June 26,2004WA
Bailey Mckay-- --, 1892November ,1976MS
C Bryan Mckay-- --, 1915August ,1987MN
D Lou Jean Mckay-- --, 1927November 21,1996UT

McKay Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E David Mckay-- --, 1924July 17,1999Signal Mountain,TN
Fairy Mckay-- --, 1935August 7,2005Aurora,CO
Gabriel Mckay-- --, 1898August ,1971Fort Totten,ND
Haden Mckay-- --, 1914July 2,1989Jackson,MS

McKay Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
David MckayMonica MccumberSeptember 19,1999Bexar, TX
Felix MckayMavis BlackMarch 13,1976Wake, NC
Stewart MckayVirginia LeeFebruary 14,1946Wake, NC
Robert MckayEdna DavisApril 5,1946Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After McKay

725th: Clements726th: Clay
727th: Irwin728th: Ellison
729th: Hays730th: Baird
731st: Raymond732nd: Middleton
733rd: Haley734th: McMillan

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