McLeod Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
McLeod Genealogy & History
The McLeod surname is an ancient Scottish name. The derivation of this name is the Old Gaelic "MacLeoid", taken from the Norse given name "Ljotr" or "Ljot", which means an ugly wolf. MacLeod genealogy lists the coat of arms as divided in fourths, with the first and fourth quadrants each containing three castle towers, and the second and third quadrants each showing three legs dressed in armor. The first recorded spelling in McLeod family history is that of Gillandres MacLeod in 1227. The McLeod family crest shows a bull's head and two red flags with the motto "hold fast".
McLeod Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Ruth Mcleod | -- --, 1918 | March 26,1993 | OR |
Bainard Mcleod | -- --, 1932 | February ,1971 | SC |
C Richard Mcleod | -- --, 1954 | November 4,1998 | PA |
D Allen Mcleod | -- --, 1924 | August 25,1995 | FL |
McLeod Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Mildred Mcleod | -- --, 1918 | June 22,2005 | Newton,MA |
Fae Mcleod | -- --, 1885 | August ,1974 | Fort Wayne,IN |
G Constanc Mcleod | -- --, 1926 | January 30,2004 | Lewiston,NY |
Halbert Mcleod | -- --, 1891 | July ,1970 | Murrells Inlet,SC |
McLeod Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Bernard Mcleod | Martha Cozart | August 9,1950 | Wake, NC |
Carley Mcleod | Agnes Olive | April 24,1948 | Wake, NC |
David Mcleod | Eula Griffin | February 17,1948 | Wake, NC |
Edward Mcleod | Hazel Moore | October 26,1945 | Wake, NC |
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