McMahan Family History

McMahan Genealogy & History

McMahan is from the ancient Gaelic name Mac Mathghamhna, which in turn comes from the word mathghamhan, meaning bear, most likely indicating a large burly man. The MacMahons were lords of Corca Baisgin and owned most of Clonderlaw and Moyarta. The family motto is thus we guard our sacred rights, and the crest is an arm wearing armor holding a sword. McMahan family history mentions that Lawrence McMahan migrated to America in 1844 and settled in Mississippi. Some members of the McMahan genealogy are Biola University associate professor Martin Alan McMahan; football wide receiver Kevin Nathaniel McMahan; and philosopher, Rutgers University professor, and writer Jeff McMahan.

McMahan Birth Records

Name Birth Date Death Date Location
Aaron M. -- --, 1889 November ,1976 TN
Bailey M. -- --, 1960 August 14,2009 KS
Calesta M. -- --, 1907 September 29,2000 MN
D Patricia M. -- --, 1926 July 8,2002 WA

McMahan Death Records

Name Birth Date Death Date Location
Earl M. -- --, 1919 February 7,1994 West Alexander,PA
Fairy M. -- --, 1911 November 1,1994 Anderson,IN
Gail M. -- --, 1951 November 10,1995 Stanwood,WA
H Edward M. -- --, 1928 February 1,1990 Philadelphia,PA

McMahan Marriage Records

Name Spouse Marriage Date Location
Arthur M. Diane Eskin June 17,2000 Dallas, TX
Charles M. Sharla Semmler November 11,2000 Caldwell, TX
David M. Kathryn Avery June 1,1980 Wake, NC
Glenn M. Barbara Parker August 22,1964 Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After McMahan

1995th: Jernigan 1996th: Crenshaw
1997th: Valencia 1998th: Gentile
1999th: Smallwood 2000th: Vigil
2001st: Busby 2002nd: Mattingly
2003rd: Medeiros 2004th: Dowd

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