McMahon Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
McMahon Genealogy & History
The surname McMahon is an Irish name used by two separate septs. McMahon geneaology shows that the first sept is found in County Clare, while the second sept resided in the ancient territory of Oriel, which covered what is now Counties Armagh and Monaghan as well as parts of Louth, Fermanagh, and South Down. The name is the anglicized version of the Old Gaelic "Mac Mathghamha" and means son of the bear. The McMahon family motto is "sic nos sic sacra tuemur", which translates as "thus we guard our sacred rights". A famous person in McMahon family history was Ed McMahon, sidekick of Tonight Show host Johnny Carson.
McMahon Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Aaron Mcmahon | -- --, 1927 | April 23,2003 | TN |
Barbara Mcmahon | -- --, 1931 | July 18,2010 | IL |
C Ramona Mcmahon | -- --, 1928 | August 25,2005 | PA |
D Roy Mcmahon | -- --, 1917 | February ,1984 | CA |
McMahon Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Lawrence Mcmahon | -- --, 1931 | March 15,1994 | Ann Arbor,MI |
F Roy Mcmahon | -- --, 1916 | August 27,1988 | Glen Head,NY |
G James Mcmahon | -- --, 1916 | September 11,2002 | Lake Havasu City,AZ |
H Allen Mcmahon | -- --, 1932 | July 14,2003 | Homosassa,FL |
McMahon Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Christopher Mcmahon | Catherine Rowe | October 12,1996 | Wake, NC |
Francis Mcmahon | Alice Hood | April 8,1960 | Wake, NC |
Raymond Mcmahon | Ann Brandorff | March 11,1968 | Wake, NC |
James Mcmahon | Ina Peddy | March 29,1969 | Wake, NC |
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