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McNamara Genealogy & History

The surname McNamara is of Irish origin. McNamara family history shows that this name took the form of MacConmara in Ireland. It is derived from "cu", which means a hound, and "na mara", which means of the sea. McNamara genealogy locates a great number of family members in County Clare. The first recorded spelling of the family name in its final form belongs to Thomas MacNamara in County Clare in 1680. The McNamara family motto is "firmitas in coelo", which means "strength in heaven". One illustrious member was Robert McNamara, who served as the United States Secretary of Defense under presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

McNamara Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abbie Mcnamara-- --, 1886December ,1970MA
Barbara Mcnamara-- --, 1927August 21,2006MA
C Marjorie Mcnamara-- --, 1923January 7,2006MA
Dagmar Mcnamara-- --, 1918January 27,2000IL

McNamara Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Sue Mcnamara-- --, 1909February 5,1997Chico,CA
F Ross Mcnamara-- --, 1923March 21,2005Ballston Spa,NY
Gail Mcnamara-- --, 1948March 4,1993Providence,RI
H Bernice Mcnamara-- --, 1913November 10,2003Waterford,NY

McNamara Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Barry McnamaraDawn MinerMarch 25,1995Wake, NC
Gregory McnamaraSheila CoatesAugust 7,1982Wake, NC
Vance McnamaraBeulah CardNovember 12,1949Wake, NC
Robet McnamaraJoan RayMay 5,1956Wake, NC

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962nd: Law963rd: Ritchie

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