Meier Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Meier Genealogy & History
Meier genealogy is widespread in the English, Dutch, French, German, and Swiss worlds, though the specific spelling "Meier" is German. Alternate spellings are many and include Mair, Mayer, Meijer, and Meyer. The name derives from the very common Latin word "magnus", meaning "great", which could denote a notable or especially prominent person. It had a long history as a nickname or semi-official title, then came into use as a given name, and eventually became a surname. As an occupational surname, it referred to the leading citizen of a location, the "mayor". Meier family history in the United States extends back to at least the early eighteenth century.
Meier Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Abner Meier | -- --, 1895 | October ,1972 | IL |
Babbetta Meier | -- --, 1910 | August ,1982 | NJ |
C June Meier | -- --, 1914 | May 15,1998 | TX |
Daisy Meier | -- --, 1897 | August ,1982 | OH |
Meier Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Marjorie Meier | -- --, 1929 | January 4,1997 | Churchville,NY |
F Robert Meier | -- --, 1916 | July 9,1996 | Cincinnati,OH |
Gabriel Meier | -- --, 1917 | January ,1986 | Winona,MN |
H Richard Meier | -- --, 1934 | December 3,2004 | Las Vegas,NV |
Meier Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Eric Meier | Heather Gay | September 27,2003 | Wake, NC |
Mark Meier | Mattie Clayton | May 1,1982 | Wake, NC |
Oliver Meier | Susan Branch | February 29,1996 | Wake, NC |
Kevin Meier | Micah Hills | May 21,2001 | Wichita, TX |
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