Miller Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Miller Genealogy & History
Miller genealogy is typically British or Scottish, though it can be from any of a number of nations and ethnic groups. The name is from the Middle English "milne", meaning "to grind", and was an occupational surname for one who owned or operated a grain mill. Until the Industrial Revolution, the miller was a person of status and influence, as the entire community's grain supply had to be milled. Miller is especially common in the United Kingdom and the United States. In the United States, miller family history may easily be Irish, German, Scottish, or Spanish, to name just a few, as Miller absorbed many cognates.
Miller Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Alice Miller | -- --, 1913 | April 7,2001 | PA |
B Arvilla Miller | -- --, 1915 | November 24,1988 | PA |
Clarence Miller | -- --, 1923 | May 28,2010 | NC |
David Miller | -- --, 1961 | June 15,1991 | WV |
Miller Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Ella Miller | -- --, 1928 | October 15,1992 | Brunswick,GA |
F Allen Miller | -- --, 1918 | March 12,2007 | Richmond,VA |
G Albert Miller | -- --, 1917 | June 23,1992 | Winchester,VA |
H Allen Miller | -- --, 1912 | February 24,1997 | Sanborn,NY |
Miller Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Joseph Miller | Eloise Jones | January 18,1936 | Wake, NC |
Michael Miller | Christine Russos | January 22,1936 | Wake, NC |
Paul Miller | Mattie Barbour | August 4,1944 | Wake, NC |
Nathan Miller | Elizabeth Parker | June 24,1944 | Wake, NC |
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