Moran Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Moran Genealogy & History

Moran is an Irish name derived from "mor", meaning great or large. First found in County Mayo, it has many spellings: Murran, Murrin, O'Moghrain, and O'Moran, to name a few. Moran family history tells us that the family's motto is "They shine in the darkness." Moran genealogy gives evidence of many of the family coming to North America during the Great Potato Famine. Denis Moran is the first known to arrive in America, in 1672. Some famous Morans are opera and ballet composer Robert Moran, jazz pianist Jason Moran, actress Erin Marie Moran, and University of Toronto Dean Mayo Moran.

Moran Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Donaldin Moran-- --, 1922September 16,2000NY
B Larue Moran-- --, 1902February 20,1995WA
Caleb Moran-- --, 1913October ,1983WV
Dagmar Moran-- --, 1912August 24,1996ME

Moran Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Aldenia Moran-- --, 1921June 23,2007Centralia,IL
F Ellen Moran-- --, 1926June 12,2007Shelby,MT
Gabriel Moran-- --, 1909December 11,1987Anaheim,CA
H Austin Moran-- --, 1912October 5,1992Haskell,OK

Moran Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Otis MoranEmilia KutschinskiDecember 20,1952Wake, NC
James MoranMartha SmithMay 5,1984Wake, NC
Zeferino MoranSylvia RiosJune 18,1974Hale, TX
Victor MoranCelia GonzalezMay 31,2002Webb, TX

Most Common Surnames After Moran

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355th: Owen356th: Rowe

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