Morton Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Morton Genealogy & History

In the British Isles,�Morton�derivatives (Moorton, Mourton, Mairtoun, Mirton, and others) come from the village Morton in Dumfriesshire. Morton family history shows the addition of "tun" to indicate a farm or settlement.Morton�genealogy shows Robert de Mortone in 1130 as the earliest recording of the surname in the Pipe rolls of Wiltshire. Notable Mortons are Secretary of Agriculture Julius Sterling Morton, Morton Salt Company founder Joy Morton, professional wrestler Ricky Morton, former Massachusetts Governor Marcus Morton, and surgeon and first female faculty member at NY Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital Rosalie Slaughter Morton.

Morton Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Glenn Morton-- --, 1919November 21,1990TX
B Lavonne Morton-- --, 1925April 18,2007WV
C Audrey Morton-- --, 1918May ,1987PA
D Darlene Morton-- --, 1926February 18,2004WA

Morton Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Leona Morton-- --, 1918October 22,2006Bemidji,MN
F Barbara Morton-- --, 1928June 18,2010Bethesda,MD
Gabe Morton-- --, 1893September ,1975Winston Salem,NC
H Louise Morton-- --, 1912January 15,1994Chambersburg,PA

Morton Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Anderson MortonIda DavisAugust 24,1944Wake, NC
Benjamin MortonRebecca ByrdMarch 27,1959Wake, NC
Everett MortonLinda FlowersDecember 27,1970Wake, NC
Fred MortonMartha AlbrittonFebruary 14,1947Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Morton

421st: Lamb422nd: Shaffer
423rd: Logan424th: Drake
425th: Yates426th: Hines
427th: Lloyd428th: Ingram
429th: Moody430th: Sparks

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