Muller Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Muller Genealogy & History
Muller has many variations: Moehle, Muehle, Muehler, Muller, Molenauer, Molenaaris Mullner, Moller, Molnar, and others. It is a German residential surname that tells us that the person was either a miller or lived near one, and it comes from the Germanic "mulinari". Muller family history lets us know that the Muller line was first established in southern Germany in the Middle Ages. Important members of the Muller genealogy are Nobel laureate for literature Herta M�ller; actor and writer Romeo Muller Jr., known for the Christmas special, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer; former NHL ice hockey center Kirk Christopher Muller; and former Johns Hopkins University President Steven Muller.
Muller Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Aaron Muller | -- --, 1918 | December ,1983 | SD |
Balbina Muller | -- --, 1892 | February ,1986 | NY |
C Robert Muller | -- --, 1925 | February 10,2005 | NY |
Dagmar Muller | -- --, 1902 | November ,1974 | NY |
Muller Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Michael Muller | -- --, 1924 | December 28,1998 | Sherborn,MA |
Fannie Muller | -- --, 1925 | May 14,2001 | Friendswood,TX |
G Robert Muller | -- --, 1925 | February 5,2004 | Lambertville,NJ |
H Howard Muller | -- --, 1922 | February 25,2001 | Catonsville,MD |
Muller Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Adam Muller | Annie Crabbe | August 16,2003 | Denton, TX |
Carlos Muller | Claudia Calvillo | October 6,2000 | Elpaso, TX |
Franklin Muller | Marjorie Malara | January 20,1967 | Wake, NC |
Vincent Muller | Joan Kantor | August 3,1964 | Wake, NC |
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