Munoz Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Munoz Genealogy & History

Munoz was first seen in the important mountainous border kingdoms of Castile and Galicia in what is now Spain. Munoz family history gives us many variations of the surname; these are Muoz, Muiz, Muniz, Muo, Muones, and more. Munoz genealogy shows that Gonzalo Muoz arrived at San Juan Island in 1511; Pedro Muoz settled in the Dominican Republic in 1517. Famous members of the family include Spanish theoretical physicist Francisco Jose Yndurain Mu�oz, Mexican Olympic breast stroke champion Felipe Mu�oz, Pro Football Hall of Fame offensive tackle Anthony Mu�oz, and Catholic�Cardinal and former�Archbishop of Bogot� An�bal Mu�oz Duque.

Munoz Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Alfonso Munoz-- --, 1982June 17,2010TX
Baldemar Munoz-- --, 1940October ,1980TX
Calistro Munoz-- --, 1937January 11,2003TX
Dabian Munoz-- --, 1919November ,1981IL

Munoz Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ed Munoz-- --, 1918November 24,2003Earlimart,CA
Fabian Munoz-- --, 1913December 6,2005Glendora,CA
Gabina Munoz-- --, 1897April ,1986San Antonio,TX
Halina Munoz-- --, 1921June 25,1996Riverside,CA

Munoz Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Juan MunozSusan BrockJuly 18,1980Wake, NC
Ivan MunozTanya GlennMay 30,1993Wake, NC
Felix MunozSonia PulidoAugust 19,2000Tarrant, TX
Edmundo MunozJessica OlivasOctober 31,2000Tarrant, TX

Most Common Surnames After Munoz

713th: Landry714th: Blackburn
715th: McCall716th: Novak
717th: Salazar718th: Hickman
719th: Dunlap720th: Pace
721st: Shapiro722nd: Braun

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