Nelson Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Nelson Genealogy & History
Nelson is the 39th most common surname in the United States. It originated in Ireland as Neilson or Nealson, "son of Neil" or "son of Neal," and Neil or Neal mean "a champion" or "a cloud". Viking invaders brought it back to their native Scandinavian countries as "son of Nels". Many in Nelson family history may have been named after Admiral Lord Nelson, the British naval officer. Probably the most famous part of Nelson genealogy were actors Ozzie and Harriet Nelson and their sons, singers David and Ricky. Some of the more common variations of this name include Neilson, Nielsen, and Nilsson.
Nelson Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Andy Nelson | -- --, 1932 | September 10,2003 | SD |
B Bernard Nelson | -- --, 1915 | February 9,1988 | AZ |
Charles Nelson | -- --, 1956 | February 4,1989 | CO |
D Arnold Nelson | -- --, 1913 | September 25,1988 | IA |
Nelson Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Allen Nelson | -- --, 1917 | December 17,2002 | Cambridge,MN |
F Cleo Nelson | -- --, 1926 | August 20,1999 | Quimby,IA |
G Alice Nelson | -- --, 1908 | February 15,2008 | Ashby,MN |
H Dean Nelson | -- --, 1921 | October 22,1998 | Logan,UT |
Nelson Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
James Nelson | Caroline Allen | August 22,1934 | Wake, NC |
Russell Nelson | Phyllis Mansfield | January 31,1944 | Wake, NC |
Troy Nelson | Margo Collins | January 2,1976 | Wake, NC |
Governor Nelson | Lizzie Dunn | February 3,1934 | Wake, NC |
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