Olsen Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Olsen Genealogy & History
Olson is a Scandinavian patronymic surname�ending with -son usually works that way�meaning son of Olof or Ole, which itself means ancestor's heirloom; it may also mean son of Olafr, which means ancestor's descendant, though that seems as if it would describe everybody. Olson family history comes to America with Christian Olson, who came over to New York in 1829. Some well-known members of Olson genealogy are North Dakota Governor and Lieutenant Governor Ole Olson, Admiral Eric Olson, and Bush Solicitor General Theodore Olson, who was also on the legal team that successfully argued he should be President.
Olsen Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Dian Olsen | -- --, 1934 | May 10,2006 | WI |
B William Olsen | -- --, 1918 | February 2,2007 | MI |
C Eric Olsen | -- --, 1916 | May 7,1993 | MA |
D Leslie Olsen | -- --, 1915 | April 16,2007 | NY |
Olsen Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Joanne Olsen | -- --, 1922 | June 23,2008 | Cocoa Beach,FL |
F Keith Olsen | -- --, 1934 | August 23,1989 | Yucca Valley,CA |
Gabriel Olsen | -- --, 1916 | December 5,1992 | Cape Coral,FL |
H Earnest Olsen | -- --, 1932 | December 22,2001 | Crystal River,FL |
Olsen Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Alan Olsen | Linda Sanderford | January 5,1985 | Wake, NC |
Eric Olsen | Deborah Skatell | November 23,1985 | Wake, NC |
Floyd Olsen | Hook | January 12,1966 | El Paso, TX |
Roger Olsen | Rose Scerno | January 30,1959 | Wake, NC |
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