Patten Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Patten Genealogy & History

Patten is an English surname, with a few origins. First, it may be locational from a few villages in various parts of England, which may come from the Anglo-Saxon given name Padda and either the Old English denn, for pig-field, or ton, for settlement. It might also be Scottish, from Pat, a diminutive of Patrick, plus the French suffix -on. Patten family history starts in 1119, when Richard Patten was enrolled in the Early Records of Essex. Patten genealogy includes widely-traveled tackle Joel Patten and Patten University founder Bebe Patten.

Patten Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Patten-- --, 1903November 26,1997IL
B David Patten-- --, 1950September 27,1988GA
C Louis Patten-- --, 1928January 22,2001TN
Dachia Patten-- --, 1874August ,1970CA

Patten Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Adele Patten-- --, 1916June 13,2006Bellevue,WA
Fannie Patten-- --, 1892May ,1985Cedar Rapids,IA
Gabe Patten-- --, 1908March 5,1996Sun City,CA
H Lee Patten-- --, 1920February 23,2008Louisville,KY

Patten Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Brooks PattenVirginia NashAugust 6,1955Wake, NC
Walter PattenDonna GlennAugust 29,1970Wake, NC
Michael PattenJanet WallaceFebruary 17,1979Wake, NC
Harry PattenMinnie SebgwickDecember 16,1983Hemphill, TX

Most Common Surnames After Patten

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2415th: Samuel2416th: Blanco
2417th: McArthur2418th: Davila

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